A Referral Service for Home Improvements, Remodeling & Building.

Your free resource to find home improvement, remodeling, building and landscaping contractors in the Chicagoland, Southeast Wisconsin and the Twin Cities areas. 

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  - Remodeling
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  - Landscaping
  - Decks
  - Floors
  - Sunrooms
  - Painting
  - Fences


 Proud Sponsor of

Fine Art Festivals



Estimate Request Form

Complete the online form below to receive 3 to 4 free estimates from one or more of our vast network of home improvement contractors. If you do wish to receive estimates in more than one area of home improvement, please list a brief description of all your home improvement projects in the Project: Details/Comments box below.  If you have any further questions, please contact us directly at 1-800-553-1810.


Pete Thomas
The Home Improvement Network

First and Last Name  
City, State  
Zip Code  
Home Phone  
Work Phone  
Cell Phone/Pager  
Best time to call  
Email Address  
What is your budget
for this project?
How did you hear
about our services?

Please indicate the size of
project area, as well as
when you would like to
get the work done.


                                       Thank you for your request!




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Last Updated: November 7th, 2012