A Referral Service for Home Improvements, Remodeling & Building.

Your free resource to find home improvement, remodeling, building and landscaping contractors in the Chicagoland, Southeast Wisconsin and the Twin Cities areas. 

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So, you need help finding a remodeling or a home improvement contractor. 

Finding a contractor can be lengthy and stressful process. The final contractor you may have chosen for your job can still leave you with many uncertainties and questions. This is where you can benefit from The Home Improvement Network. We have built up a network of contractors who service the Chicago, Milwaukee and Twin Cities areas. Each contractor is prescreened by one of our representatives and each contractor must meet some specific qualifications in order to become a member of our service. Our service only wants to represent contractors that have given us a good impression. We interview each of our members and require that all of our membership contractors have insurance and can provide references of previously satisfied customers. So, in other words, we do some of the background screening for you, free of charge! If a contractor does not maintain quality workmanship or starts to receive complaints, their membership can be revoked. Please keep in mind that you are hiring a contractor at your own risk. Although, your name can be given out to multiple contactors in the same trade who will call you back to schedule an estimate within forty-eight hours! We can distribute your name to multiple contractors because we want you, the homeowner, to have the final decision as to the contractor you feel most comfortable with. Please remember that you are making the final decision on who you what to remodel your home. The Home Improvement Network does recommend that you check and screen the contractors on your own because we do not guarantee their work. Our membership contractors will compete for your business and this will allow you to find the best prices and deals available. In most cases you will get better prices and deals then if you were to find a contractor on your own. Our company has been designed so that you can go to a single company for all your home improvement needs. Please keep in mind that you are making the final decision for which contractor that you want to use and that The Home Improvement Network does not guarantee the contractors or the contractors work. So, we still recommend that you screen the contractors for your own personal decisional needs. 



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